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"Explore Uncommon" Coffee subscription

This package displays two different, usually contrasting, high quality lots roasted for filter.

This subscription is tailored to filter coffee drinkers but also suitable for progressive, espresso brewers. Our intention is to introduce you to seasonal but differing coffees each month.

You can expect to have 2 new coffees each month, usually the freshly landed coffees and our newest releases. We love tasting two coffees side by side, sometimes you will receive coffees from the similar places but with two different processes, or two different varieties. The variables are endless and it will be a true tasting experience where you will openly learn how these variables impact the flavour profile of each coffee. You can expect some top tier coffees in this package, the competition level/rare lots will feature here and there (in a smaller portion).




In May, we are spotlighting 2 fresh-crop coffees from Colombia & Bolivia. Both are a variation of the washed method and both showcase the beauty of variety and terroir.


Please note that we roast and ship the subscriptions on the first Tuesday of each month. Shipping costs are location dependent and will be calculated at checkout.


You can cancel your subscription at any time. Unless we have already roasted that month's order for you (on the first Tuesday of the month).


The very first delivery will arrive in our beautiful giftbox as a welcome. After that, the coffees will arrive in standard packaging.


You can expect two new coffees most months. The competition level / rare lots will feature here and there in a smaller portion.


We will provide you with your tracking number so you can see when your package is scheduled to arrive.

For our May subscribers, we're featuring our first ever coffee from Bolivia!


The Rodriguez family are pioneering coffee production in Bolivia and this 'anaerobic washed' Caturra is a great example of their quality: a clear cup with soft, malic acidity and a deep lingering sweetness. Expect notes of pear, caramel, and grape.

This is a very clean and sweet Caturra from The Rodriguez family's first farm, La Linda, which means 'the beautiful' or 'the lovely'. Only fully-ripe cherries are hand picked and then hand sorted. The family believes the dark red and purple cherries produce the best cup. The cherries are then fermented in a tank before being pulped, washed, and dried to produce a very high-quality and uniform lot.

Our 2nd feature is a beautiful washed Pink Bourbon from Huila, aptly named 'Little Pearls'.


Las Perlitas is a floral, juicy coffee with notes of hibiscus, mandarin, & papaya.

This is a combination of small lots of seperated Pink Bourbon with similar profiles, all scoring above 86 points, from small-scale producers throughout Huila. Seperating lots by variety and cup score is a great way to reward producers for quality, by seperating their best coffees to produce a larger, higher quality lot that fetches a higher price.